Moro Deconto Australia works with some of the best global fishing brands and top quality handmade artisans in order to provide you with the best prices and the highest quality products. This means that your order is shipped from Australia and various other locations all over the world.
Because we ship some products directly from our partners and a lot of our products are high demand, your item(s) may take 1-4 weeks to arrive. If you buy different items it is possible that you will receive more than one package.
Due to COVID-19 we are experiencing delivery delays, so If your order has taken longer than 1-4 weeks to arrive, please contact us and we will help you with your order.
If you have any questions regarding your order you may contact us at
- Our orders are processed Monday – Friday from 6am – 5pm (excluding public holidays)
- Orders can take up to two business days to process before being shipped. You will be notified via email once your order has been shipped.